About US




About Us

Maison Dolores

Maison Dolores est une marque de loungwear et de prêt-à-porter, crée à Paris en 2018 par Lola Lola Arias, une créatrice de mode mexicaine.    
It's a brand Franco-Mexican with an orignal, handmade and haut de gammestrongly linked to the Mexican culture and the French lifestyle.

Maison Dolores is a company on a human scale. The pieces are individually crafted by two specialists in design and fashion making, who together create an ode to the beauty of timeless pieces.  Les collections sont créés en petites séries à Paris, lieu de résidence de Lola, la créatrice du label. Une partie des collections est confectionnée à Paris et l?autre à Jalisco au Mexique,  par « Rocío Martin » une modéliste spécialisée en patronage et confection de haute couture.

Chic, orignal and atemporel, are the key words that define the concept of the brand, intended for women who like to shine both in public and in private. 

Slow fashion

We are an ethical brad and we contribute to sustainable fashion, creating small series collections, avoiding abuse of natural resources ans the over production on the markets.

It’s important for us to give the human being for us to give the human being a privilege and we are proud of working with small business and help them grow.

Respect to the human being.

All the garments are made under dignified and adequate conditions. We are a workshop where three people operate under their own rules, there are no established scheduled to take meals or departures. We take breaks to drink coffee together, we work under objectives and every one of us goes to their own rhythm. 

Our dreams

Growing up so much that we can show that honesty, respect for the environment and for the human being provide real results in entrepreneurship. 

Set up a boutique next to the workshop where we can receive our customers and drink jasmine tea. 


Designer and CEO

Lola Arias

Lola arrived in France in 2015, with the goal of doing a master's degree in fashion, after having done graduate studies in fashion design and textiles in Mexico. 
Lola is a definition of character and temperament, being an extremely sensitive woman guided for a time developed strong feminine intuition and intersectional feminist beliefs.

« Après des années de couture dans différentes maisons de mode, je me suis rendue compte que j?avais besoin de créer, de m?investir dans le processus de création d?une collection.
After a long period of adaptation, of rebuilding myself and my identity as a professional, I returned to nourish myself and be inspired by fashion.
I started by creating my own concept, inspired by my roots and influenced by the Parisian lifestyle » 

Reinvent the interior

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